

Delightful Lute-Pleasure Baroque Lute music from the lands of the Habsburgs
Joachim Held, Lute
Release Date: 2006 Label: Hänssler Classic ASIN: B000E6V0IQ
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Georg Muffat
Suite in D Minor
01. Passacaglia die Mons. Mouffat 

Wolff Jakob Lauffensteiner
Suite in D Major
02. Ouverture 
03. Allemande 
04. Paysanne 
05. Courante 
06. Sarabande 
07. Bourrée 
08. Menuet 
09. Adagio 
10. Menuet 

Johann Jacob Weiss
Suite in G Major
11. Phantasie 
12. Allemande 
13. Courrente 
14. Sarabande 
15. Menuette 
16. Guige 
Esajas Reusner
Suite in D Minor
17. Praeludium 
18. Paduana 
19. Allemande 
20. Courante 
21. Sarabande 
22. Gigue 

Jan Antonin Losy
Suite in F Major
23. Ouverture 
24. Allemande 
25. Courrente 
26. Sarabande 
27. Gavotte 
28. Menuette 
29. Bourrée 
30. Guige 

Heinrich Ignaz Biber
31. Passagaglia in C Minor 
 Press Reviews
"... a busy continuo player. Held is therefore an expansive musical imagination: he deploys those distinctive stylistic traits that are the lifeblood of this music with the utmost taste (especially the stile brisée treatment of not only chords but intervals and the subtle inégales) and suggests orchestral colours with ease." International Record review, April 2006
"The recordings prove the incredible richness and stylistic range of this intimate music. True, one needs to give on to "music coming from silence". The span of expression inside, the corresponding parts, the humour and the melancholy are so close next to each other. To make them visible, without falling into the trap of wrong dramatising, is the all-decisive art of the player. Held manages this with mastery; his dreamlike secureness of playing with the musical time is without comparison. The calm of the beat guaranties the inner dramatisation in its most beautiful way." Musikforum, March 2006
"Courageous music making, cheerfully interpreted, it is literally a delight to listen to these recordings." Lauten, February 2006 (Deutsche Lautengesellschaft)
